When Aaron Judge's wife found support from an old professor following her DUI arrest in Arizona

June 2024 · 5 minute read

In February 2020, New York Yankees superstar Aaron Judge's then-girlfriend and now-wife, Samantha Bracksieck, was arrested and charged with "extreme DUI" in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Scottsdale police stopped Samantha for failing to turn on her headlights while driving home. Since she smelt like alcohol, the police tested her and discovered that Samantha's blood alcohol content ranged from .15 to .19.

The arrest wasn't made public until May 2020, when word of Samantha's detention quickly went viral. Per the leaked police bodycam footage from the arrest, Samantha took Aaron Judge's name to escape the situation:

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With the news in the spotlight, eagle-eyed MLB fans were busy assessing Samantha's character.

However, Samantha found support from her former professor at Fresno State University following her DUI arrest in Arizona. As per the New York Post, Dr. Mark Baldis vouched for her character:

“She is a sweet girl. She’s really amazing. I don’t think of her as this super-loud girl who says, ‘I date Aaron Judge.’”

He added:

“She’s very bright. She’s very down-to-earth. There is no pretense about her at all. She is a really great kid.” “Knowing Sam all these years, she is not one to drop his name. She can get nervous. Knowing Sam, she wasn’t trying to get out of anything. I am willing to bet she’s just devastated over it. She’s a really humble kid.”

Aaron and Samantha met at Linden High School and went to Fresno State University. In 2016, the pair split up only to reunite in 2019. After a sporadic romance, the Yankees star wedded Samantha in December 2021 at a private ceremony in Hawaii, startling the MLB world.

An old and unseen photo of Aaron Judge and Samantha Bracksieck has surfaced on the internet

BRONX, NEW YORK - DECEMBER 21: Aaron Judge, #99 of the New York Yankees, poses for a photo with his wife, Samantha Judge, and parents, Patty Judge and Wayne Judge, after a press conference at Yankee Stadium on December 21, 2022, in Bronx, New York. (Photo by Dustin Satloff/Getty Images)

In December 2022, an old picture of a ripped Aaron Judge and his wife, Samantha Bracksieck, was doing the rounds on the internet. The photograph dates back to their college days.

"A throwback can’t get much better than this one of Aaron Judge and his now wife Samantha Bracksieck back in college." - Talkin' Yanks

Aaron rarely shares private pictures with Samantha on his Instagram profile. So, a rare photo from the Fresno State University days is a treat for Yankees fans.

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