Rory and Lorelai were close in age on 'Gilmore Girls.' Find out the real age difference between Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham.
Published on October 5, 2020
2 min readIt was important for Gilmore Girls to have stars with a certain age difference. That’s because the Rory and Lorelai Gilmore are close in age and therefore have a close relationship. But what is the real age difference between Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham?
Rory and Lorelai were close in age on ‘Gilmore Girls’
Rory and Lorelai were so close partially because they were close in age. Lorelai got pregnant with Rory when she was 16 years old. She decided to raise Rory on her own by working at an inn. Rory also seemed to be wise beyond her years so they were best friends.
The show begins with Rory being 15 going on 16. She makes the change from public to private school in hopes it’ll improve her chances of getting into Harvard.
That meant Lorelai was about 31 years old. She was still working at the inn but had hopes of opening her own business one day.
Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham have a 14-year age difference

Bledel was really born in 1981 and started the show at 19 years old. It was her first ever major role after having a career in modeling. Lauren Graham was 33 when she started the show. So the actors were pretty close to the ages of their characters.
Graham actually had to help Bledel get the hang of things on set for the first season. Lorelai is often seen with her arm around Rory when walking together in scenes for the first season. That’s because Graham was trying to help Bledel hit her marks on set.
“The camera work on that show is very specific and we really had to hit certain marks, which especially when you start out, is just a foreign concept,” Graham explained to Today.
“In the beginning, people are like, ‘You have such great chemistry.’ And I’m like, ‘I’m mauling her. That’s why,'” she joked.
The last episodes bring everything full circle
The show came back with Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. We catch up with the characters 10 years later.
Rory has graduated Yale but is struggling to get her journalism career off the ground. Lorelai is still with Luke (Scott Patterson), but they’re not married. Both of them seem to be struggling to figure out where their life is going from here.
Rory is 32 years old at this point, meaning she’s basically the same age as Lorelai at the beginning of the show. Lorelai is then 48 years old. The revival plays with the idea of things coming full circle.
It was teased that Rory is left with making a similar decision Lorelai decided to make years ago. Fans might never know for sure what Rory’s future will be if the show doesn’t return for more episodes.