As appealing as Alicia Silverstone is (and she possesses that ethereal "star quality" which is sadly lacking in many of today's up-and-coming performers), her presence can't quite elevate this breezy comedy to the level of a modern classic. A cont...

Because Fast Times at Ridgemont High arrived in movie theaters during the height of the '80s "teenspoitation" era, it has often been unfairly lumped together with Porky's and its successors and copycats. In reality, Fast Times is smarter and more per...

Considering the talent involved - writer/director Amy Heckerling (Clueless) and actors Michelle Pfeiffer and Paul Rudd - I Could Never Be Your Woman could contend for the most high-profile motion picture yet to take the direct-to-DVD route. This w...

Calling a motion picture Loser is a brave move because it places the film in a precarious position if the critical reaction is less enthusiastic than the producers expect. In this case, however, that's not an issue; this movie succeeds in a modest...